Learn about
ReMar Review for NCLEX®
Established in 2010, ReMar Review for NCLEX® has become an industry leader and helped over 300,000 nurses better understand the Core Nursing Content for NCLEX!
Our program specializes in helping new nurse graduates, repeat-testers, and foreign nurses focus on the core content, alleviate anxiety, create a group study atmosphere and most importantly, pass NCLEX with consistent results!
By the numbers
The ReMar Difference
Nursing Degree
NCLEX® Attempts
Previously Used
Pass Rate
We asked more than 5,000 repeat-testers “What resources have you previously used?” More than half of these students reported using UWorld, Kaplan, & Saunders; many also self identified as having experienced test anxiety.
When students focus on questions alone, complicated strategies, or just too much information it takes away from learning the actual discipline of nursing. More than anything, you need simple, easy to understand content. When you focus on the content – your confidence grows because you are better equipped to answer any question NCLEX® gives you! Our goal is to help you to become a ReMar Nurse because you’ll KNOW the Content!