Huntsville Hospital NCLEX Review - ReMar Review NCLEX Virtual Trainer by Regina MSN, RN

Huntsville Hospital NCLEX Review


January 23, 2020 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Huntsville Hospital Dowdle Center

101 Sivley Rd SW, Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 265-1000

Organized By

Remar Review for NCLEX®

Huntsville Hospital has invited ReMar Review to provide a LIVE review class for students taking NCLEX!

The course is two days, and will be conveniently provided LIVE on campus at Huntsville Hospital Dowdle Center. Each attendee will receive two days of classroom instruction with Instructor Regina M. Callion MSN, RN. Participants will also receive 90 days access to the NCLEX Virtual Trainer Program (a $474 value), student workbooks and Quick Facts for NCLEX. ReMar Review prepares students for NCLEX with straight‐to‐the‐point core content that focuses on what is needed to pass the first time!

Jan. 23, 2020 • Registration 8:00 a.m., Class 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2020 • Homework check 8:30 a.m., Class 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m



Scary Good Offer Ending